NHM Refresh Standardised Hazard Identification and Risk Control Documents

PT Nusa Halmahera Minerals (NHM), through the Occupational Health & Safety (OHS) Department, held refresher activities related to Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment (HIRA) documents on Wednesday (21/2). A total of 58 participants, from supervisory to managerial levels, and representatives from all departments attended, both face-to-face in the classroom on the 2nd floor of OHS Mine Training and online.

This activity is one of the efforts to improve the analysis of HIRA documents at the Gosowong Gold Mine, which is more integrated and standardised. When opening it, the OHS Manager, Dr. Kuncoro, said in his speech, “The work we do every day always has dangers and risks that we must control. The HIRA NHM document that has been integrated will become a comprehensive control of every major hazard that has been identified, and then we can continue to evaluate the related risks of every mining activity in Gosowong,” he said.

OHS Specialist Andri Prasetyo, the resource person for this activity, hopes, “The aim of carrying out this activity is to review how HIRA is implemented in the field with documentation so that our colleagues in the field can analyse the risk level of each job they do and can control existing risks and dangers,” he said.

During presenting the material, Andri also emphasised the main control section by identifying the tools or media used in the compliance list, and workers can determine the risk level of each job in terms of frequency/likelihood, consequence level, severity, and risk level/risk ranking.

UG Kencana Production Superintendent, Septian Budi Setiawan, was one of the participants who appreciated the activities taking place. “With this coaching/refresher, the HIRA document will really help us review Occupational Safety & Health (K3) performance in every production activity we carry out, and it is important for us to review and cross-check again between the document and the actual in the field. so that the potential dangers of each activity are always controlled, and nothing is missed. Let’s continue to identify potential hazards that arise from every job; appropriate hazard identification steps will eliminate work incidents and accidents,” the message read.