Upholding Driving Safety, the Indotan Group Jakarta Office Holds “Safety Driving Training Sharing”
Health and safety are always a concern for the gold mining company PT Nusa Halmahera Minerals (NHM), which is part of the Indotan Group. Not only at mining locations but in all work areas, one of which is the Indotan Group head office in North Jakarta. Being in a big city that is densely packed with vehicles, NHM & Indotan Group emphasizes the importance of driving, so they hold Safety Driving Training Sharing or share safe driving training.
The activity was carried out in the meeting room on the 2nd floor of the Indotan Group Jakarta Office on Tuesday (20/2). Presenting Teguh Priyanto, Safety Coordinator of PT Puncakbaru Jayatama (PTPJ), as a speaker. Teguh explained various materials about the importance of the ability to drive safely, skillfully, and correctly. And be a driver who is responsible for your own safety and the safety of others.
“This training sharing material is designed to improve employee knowledge skills, especially for Indotan Group drivers and employees who usually drive. We hope that in the future we can provide defensive training providers with in-house training. We hope that sharing this kind of training in the future will result in more participants taking part, both for office operational drivers and all employees who actively drive. “We need to remember that driving safety is very important for employees who live in big cities,” he explained.

Meanwhile, Head of HR/Training at GA Indotan Group, Yooshy Chandra, said that initially this training was intended as a concern for employees whose homes are far from the office, who bring their own vehicles and often come home late at night. “Especially female employees who ride motorbikes and come home at night, we feel it is necessary to provide provisions for employees to always be aware of safety.”
“This training is part of the internal facilitator trainer program, which utilizes company resources who are competent in their fields, and is planned to be carried out regularly after going through development and evaluation. “However, it is possible that in the future we could bring in external certification vendors, especially regarding driving safety,” added Yooshy.