Distinguished ladies and gentlemen,

The age of PT Nusa Halmahera Minerals (NHM) surpasses 26 years, representing the time devoted by NHM to the management of the Gosowong Gold Mine. Throughout this extensive journey, NHM has achieved remarkable success in both production and sales sectors, operating under the management of a mining company.

From a human resources standpoint, the Gosowong Gold Mine serves as both a workplace and a home to individuals from diverse backgrounds, encompassing their place of origin, ethnicity, religion, education, and nationality. Presently, the majority of NHM employees hail from North Maluku, including the North Halmahera Regency, along with workers from various provinces in Indonesia and a small number of expatriates from different countries. Consequently, the Gosowong Gold Mine has transformed into a symbol of diversity.

At present, the Gosowong site is an exceptionally secure mining area, a source of immense pride that we strive to preserve. Occupational Health and Safety practice remains the primary concern for the management. We firmly believe that nothing is more crucial than ensuring the safety of all individuals working at NHM. Our continuous efforts are directed towards ensuring that all employees and working partners carry out their activities within the NHM workplace in a state of well-being, ultimately returning home safely.

Despite having operated for over 26 years, we maintain an optimistic outlook regarding the future of the Gosowong Gold Mine. With a renewed sense of purpose brought forth by PT Indotan Halmahera Bangkit, the current majority shareholder of NHM, we have unwavering faith in its long-term prospects. Backed by a team of professional and experienced human resources, as well as new investments made by Indotan to facilitate more aggressive exploration, we anticipate the discovery of additional gold reserves that will extend the life of the Gosowong mine.

Furthermore, the Gosowong Gold Mine is open to all individuals who wish to visit, in accordance with the established rules and regulations. It serves as a place not only for those associated with NHM but also as a platform for sharing knowledge and expertise within the mining industry. We regularly welcome students from the mining ring area and various universities in North Maluku, providing them with valuable information and insights into the operations of the Gosowong Gold Mine. Our intention is to enhance the knowledge of school and university students, who represent the future generation of skilled human resources.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all those who have supported NHM thus far, and we aspire to maintain our professionalism in managing the Gosowong Gold Mine, while continuing to contribute to the well-being of our employees, their families, the general public, and the nation and state of the Republic of Indonesia.

H. Romo Nitiyudo Wachjo
President Director