Aggressive Exploration to Find New Reserves
PT Nusa Halmahera Minerals (NHM) together with PT Puncakbaru Jayatama continues its exploration in a number of locations within the Work Contract area of NHM in Gosowong. These exploration activities have been done aggressively. As the majority shareholder of NHM (75% of the total shares) Indotan has allocated a massive investment for this endeavor.
Other collaborations have also been carried out. Drilling exploration activities are held in cooperation with Boart Longyear, Major Pontil and PT Aneka Tambang Tbk. (Antam). Helicopter transport support is provided by Airfast Indonesia to help the exploration activities located far away from the near mine area.
The investment spent by NHM include the involvement of senior geologists who have worked very actively in underground mining areas of Toguraci and Kencana from the beginning until they found economical deposit. These senior geologists are very familiar with the characteristics of Gosowong mining area.
Today, there are nine rigs operating on the surface and 2 two rigs operating underground in an attempt to seek for new reserves. The finding of these new reserves has expanded the mine life of Gosowong for several years ahead.
Read the press release and news media reports on the additional Gosowong new reserves at:
Press Release: A Substantial Increase in Reserves in Gosowong Gold Mine
Drilling Activities; Professional and Environmentally Friendly
Drilling is a part of exploration activities. NHM works together with PT Boart Longyear Indonesia/ BLY in this activity. BLY has supported the operational activities of PTNHM in Gosowong for years. Currently BLY rents some necessary equipment, namely: 3x LM90 DCi (UG Rig), 1x LMA90 (UG Rig), 1x SC11 (Surface Rig), 1x LF230 (Surface Rig), 2x LF90 Track Mounted (Surface Rig), 1x LF90 Fly Rig (Surface Rig). Drilling activities target a 300- meter depth for underground rig and a 1,000-meter depth for surface rig. NHM’s experts work together with BLY’s specialists and supervisors.
BLY provides other supporting equipment, including pressure pump, supply pump, mixer pump, mixer tank and mud tank as well as down hole gears, down hole survey tools and orientation equipment.
Drilling activities also involve Antam as one of the shareholders of NHM besides Indotan. The occupational health and safety aspect is very critical. Yet, NHM and its working partners also pay attention to the environmental aspects, in which the environmental impact management is thoroughly executed.