In its commitment to responsible environmental management, the Company implements various systems to manage expected and potential impacts that may be caused by its operational activities. Various environmental aspects related to operations at the Gosowong Gold Mine include: energy utilization, chemicals, use of and monitoring water quality, hazardous, emission and domestic waste management, air quality monitoring, as well as ground, land reclamation and biodiversity management.

Environmental monitoring and management efforts are carried out by the Company based on the Environmental Impact Analysis (AMDAL) guidelines that have been approved by the Government of Indonesia.

Environmental Management System Policy

NHM environmental management is executed according to the prevailing government regulations and the “Best Mining Practices”. The execution of the program is set under a management and monitoring system, including the aspect of compliance with the permit issuance, regulations and standards needed in running each company’s operational activity.

Progressive Land Reclamation

In the field of reclamation, PT Nusa Halmahera Minerals (NHM) implements a progressive land reclamation strategy, which means that reclamation is carried out immediately on every plot of land that is no longer disturbed by the Company’s operational activities. With this strategy, mining activities can go in parallel with the implementations of land reclamation program.

PROPER’s Blue Rating

NHM received a Blue rating for the 2020-2021 PROPER Award from the Ministry of Environment & Forestry (KLHK) of the Republic of Indonesia. PROPER award is an annual agenda of the KLHK regulated by the Minister of Environment Regulation No. 3/2014 concerning the Assessment of Company Performance Ratings in Environmental Management. While the aspects assessed for obtaining the award are environmental permit documents, as well as compliance with water pollution control, air pollution control, management of Hazardous & Toxic Materials (B3) including storage, transportation, reutilization, and landfilling of B3 waste.

This award is an appreciation from the Government at the Regency, Provincial and Ministry levels for the environmental management and monitoring efforts carried out in NHM’s mining activities. Through the synergy and support among internal departments, NHM continues to maintain and improve its performance as a mineral mining company that always applies Good Mining Practice principles and implements Green Mining Industry efforts with the principles of 3R (Reduce, Reuse & Reuse), energy efficiency, water quality, pollution reduction, and nature conservation, as well as to always bring positive benefits in and community development.

DAS (Watershed) Rehabilitation

DAS or Daerah Aliran Sungai (Watershed) Rehabilitation is a planting inside and outside of forest area, which is one of the obligations of the holders of the Forest Area Lend and Use Permit (IPPKH) and the Ministerial Decree on the Release of Forest Areas, on the exchange of forest areas as regulated through the Regulation of the Minister of Environment & Forestry (LHK) No. 59/2019, as an effort to restore, maintain and improve the function of the watershed. Damage to ecosystems in watersheds due to various forest utilization activities has caused negative impacts such as floods, droughts, landslides, fires, etc.

NHM as a holder of IPPKH for gold exploitation activities, has obtained approval on the principle of using forest areas for underground mining production activities of gold excavated materials and their supporting facilities from the Head of BKPM on behalf of the Minister of Environment and Forestry.

DAS I Rehabilitation in Malifut and Kao Teluk Districts

DAS I Rehabilitation covering a total of 1,931.65 hectares is in the protected forest areas in Tiowor and Barumadehe villages of Kao Teluk District, and in Bukit Tinggi and Balisosang villages in Malifut District. Since it started in 2017, the planting activities of DAS I Rehabilitation have continued, and since August 2019 the operational implementation on the grounds began to involve a local partners, CV Berkah Hijrah.

The DAS I Rehab project activity in Malifut District has entered the assessment stage for submission with an area of 262.96 hectares in Bukit Tinggi Village. For the readiness of its submission, the NHM Environmental Department team directly verified the results of the rehabilitation work carried out by CV Berkah Hijrah. In parallel, the progress of the 1,668.96 hectares of DAS Rehab in Kao Teluk District, the assessment preparations for submission to the Government has been carried out in November 2021.

For the rate of success, a very high result was recorded by NHM by reaching 1,622 Petak Uji (PU) or test plots, from 1,785 PU in DAS I, making it the largest watershed rehabilitation submitted in North Maluku Province, by referring to the 963 PU standard that was set for DAS I.

DAS II Rehabilitation in Galela District

DAS II Rehabilitation area is located in the Mount Hamiding I Protection Forest and the Ake Ngabengan Limited Production Forest of Mount Tolu-Tolu, Asimiko in the Galela District, covering an area of 1,966 hectares.

The progress for the Galela DAS II Rehab project has gone through field verification by the NHM Environment Department team. Up to May 2022, the work has reached the stage of assessment preparations for submission to the Government for an area of 1,272 hectares. Currently, the NHM team and its partner PT Sarbi Morhani Lestari are preparing for an assessment on the Samuda, Togawa and Soakonora blocks.

Work Stages of DAS Rehabilitation

The stages of work carried out by the NHM team in order to carry out the obligations of watershed rehab in both locations are:

  • Socialization of activities to the community;
  • Work Area Boundary Arrangement includes marking tile boundaries in the field and creating tile nameplates;
  • The construction of infrastructure includes the construction of inspection roads and huts / work huts;
  • Procurement of seeds;
  • Tillage includes cutting bushes and reeds, determining the direction of running and procuring ajir;
  • Distribution of seedlings to the site of planting and planting pits;
  • Maintenance includes weeding and shading, embroidery and fertilizing;
  • Regular supervision and evaluation;
  • Assessment of the success of watershed rehabilitation.